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How to Deal with SEO in the Cannabis Niche


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An endless number of cannabis and CBD shops are making their mark online and at traditional brick-and-mortar dispensaries. In 2021 alone, there were over $25 billion in sales of weed and weed products. As more and more cannabis shops compete for customers, it’s important to improve your digital marketing through cannabis search engine optimization.

Cannabis search engine optimization practices can help improve your online presence and attract customers to your store.

However, it can be difficult to understand what exactly search engine optimization is, and how it can help improve your business and sales. Below are some of the best ways that you can use SEO for cannabis industry techniques. By using cannabis search engine optimization techniques, you can appear at the forefront of search results, solidifying your authority and exposing your brand to online customers.

What is Cannabis Search Engine Optimization?

Search engine optimization is commonly abbreviated as SEO. This is a type of digital marketing technique that aims to forward online traffic to a business’s website, effectively helping to turn leads into online sales.

An effective SEO strategy implemented by an MjSeo Agency uses a variety of techniques to help drive organic traffic to a website, including:

-Publishing authoritative web posts
-Using backlinks from other web pages
-Using authoritative sites to publish well-researched posts
-Including essential keywords that people are likely to use on a search engine
-Creating content that is relevant to someone’s search
-Updating content to remain relevant for today’s information

These SEO tactics can prove useful for any type of business, including cannabis shops. SEO for cannabis companies might include more tailored techniques, such as:

-Using keywords related to the cannabis industry
-Updating blog posts as state and federal laws change
-Using landing pages that integrate keywords and geographic locations

When creating cannabis SEO content, there are certain factors you should pay particular attention to. These include content quality, keywords, and backlinks.

Content Quality

It’s essential to create content that is authoritative and highly researched. According to Google’s own core updates, there needs to be a bigger emphasis on creating content that is valuable for the reader.

If you’re new to creating SEO for cannabis industry content, the one thing to keep in mind to help you is whether or not you would use the content yourself. When reading a blog post that is meant to drive traffic to your site, ask yourself these questions:

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-Would you be comfortable reading the content thoroughly?
-Is there anything you would improve about your content?
-Would you trust your content if you saw it online?
-Does your content use trusted sources, and not spam links?

These questions can help you improve your website traffic, as well as help potential customers believe that you are a leader in your industry.


Recent surveys show that around 53% of consumers in the United States say that they research products using a search engine before they make a final purchasing decision. When people search for these topics, chances are they use a variety of keywords that can help them decide whether or not a particular product is worth buying.

These keywords are critical in helping drive people to your cannabis websites. SEO keyword research can help you understand what keywords people are looking for, and if any of your competitors are using these keywords in their own published content.

Using these keywords throughout your cannabis website articles can help you appear on Google’s search engine results page. The higher you are on the page, the higher the chances of potential customers buying a product from your page.

Some possible keywords you might include in your Cannabis search engine optimization content include:

-Cannabis near me
-Cannabis products
-CBD in (city, state)
-(city, state) cannabis
-Is cannabis legal in (city, state)?
-How to use (cannabis product)


Another highly important aspect of creating content that ranks high on Google’s search engine pages is using backlinks. Backlinks are used when another website uses your content and places it on its own website, providing a link to it.

When another webpage uses your cannabis content on their page, this allows their users to look at your page and visit your website. This is an effective strategy to boost your sales and brand, as well as help you improve your authority status.

In the eyes of Google, a backlink is a vote of confidence for your page. The more people link to it, the more Google understands that your content must be useful, highly researched, and relevant for people. This, in turn, leads Google to rank your articles (and website) higher on their search engine.

Backlinks are such an effective strategy that businesses that rank number 1 on Google have an average of 3.8 times more backlinks than the next top 10 competitors.

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Is SEO Suitable for All MJ Businesses?

SEO strategies are suitable for virtually all MJ businesses. Although SEO is key to helping increase sales, only around 30% of companies actively use SEO strategies to help boost their content and web rankings. This is good news for cannabis companies that want to get ahead and fight against the competition, gaining a foothold in the eCommerce space.

If you’re wondering how to start a cannabis SEO campaign, it’s crucial to tailor your content, keywords, and backlinks to be relevant to your specific business.

For instance, if you are on a campaign for backlinking, known as link prospecting, it won’t be appropriate to have backlinks located in blogs that are irrelevant to your products. It’s important to not use deceptive SEO strategies, such as selling your links to spam websites or using link farming sites. The only purpose of these sites is to fraudulently increase search result rankings.

Besides avoiding black hat tactics to improve your search rankings, there are virtually no reasons for your cannabis business online to avoid engaging in SEO practices. Some of the many cannabis industries that might benefit from SEO strategies include:

-CBD shops
-Delta 8 product stores
-Delta 9 product stores
-Weed dispensaries (eCommerce and brick-and-mortar)

If your weed products are illegal in a specific state, you can still use SEO strategies to drive traffic to your website. However, you should explain to your audience the legality of your product. This can help avoid confusion among potential customers, both in-state and out-of-state.

In-house Team vs Professional Agency

It can be difficult to understand how to improve your SEO strategy, as well as to create content that ranks high for your cannabis websites. That’s why it’s best to hire an SEO company that has experience with creating content that ranks and a proven track record of turning leads into sales. Finding a company that provides marijuana SEO services is even better since they have experience in helping your specific niche website grow.

You can also choose to hire an in-house team to create SEO for cannabis business content. Keep in mind that the average SEO specialist makes around $72,000 per year. If you own a smaller company that can’t afford this yearly expense, it might not be the best idea to hire an in-house team for your cannabis business.

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While an in-house team can provide content relatively quickly and can be on hand during a new marketing initiative, SEO agency teams are now available at a moment’s notice through virtual meetings.

How to Choose the Right Cannabis SEO Agency?

If you’re searching for a cannabis SEO service, there are several factors that can help you make a decision, including cost, experience, and previous company success.

Cost: It takes quite a bit of money to create content, including hiring a team of writers and SEO researchers to create content that attracts customers. Consider your budget and how much you’re willing to spend on your new SEO strategy. Then, shop around for an SEO company that fits your needs.

Experience with SEO tools: There are several tools professional SEO researchers use to help improve Google search rankings. Tools such as Google Analytics, Ahrefs, Semrush, and Surfer SEO can all provide useful information on keywords, trends, and content formatting. Ask your SEO agency for specific experience with these tools.

Portfolio: Ask your SEO agency about companies they have worked with in the past. Are they cannabis SEO experts? Do these include cannabis industry giants? Or do they have experience with other similar niches, such as CBD companies or nicotine sellers? Ask to view a portfolio, and choose a company that has a proven track record of helping businesses appear first on search engine results.


If you want to improve your cannabis website traffic, promote your business online, and improve your web results rankings, there’s no better way to do so than with a solid cannabis search engine optimization campaign. Marijuana SEO services provide a wealth of experience, expertise, and strategies to help drive traffic to your website and help your business grow.

With SEO strategies changing constantly, it’s essential to find a cannabis SEO agency that understands your specific industry and provides updated SEO techniques. These SEO companies understand the impact of high-quality content, SEO keyword research, backlinking, and much more.

For More Information Contact:

Valerie Kush

MjSeo Agency

(424) 208-0286



The post How to Deal with SEO in the Cannabis Niche appeared first on Cannabis Business Executive – Cannabis and Marijuana industry news.


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